Student Programming

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Programs:  The BRC defines programs as spaces cultivated for students to learn, unlearn, and grow in a varied of ways including but not limited to personal identity, self-guidance, and interdependence. In these spaces students are offered the opportunity to participate in activities for their holistic growth while in community. These spaces provide tools that support students in their interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Building more emotional intelligence and compassion for themselves and those around them.

Events: The BRC defines events as spaces for social gatherings that provide safe, brave, and healing spaces for students to be themselves free of judgement and pressure while cultivating fun, amusement or sense of humor, and humility to connect with others even when it is uncomfortable.

Services: The BRC defines services as continuous and/or targeted offerings that hold space for students to care for their mental, physical, spiritual, and overall radiant health. The intention in these spaces is to always provide practical tools that students can use to help them excel, grow, and become better versions of themselves daily.