Criteria: Students will participate in a minimum of 5 events per year to earn the certificate. Successful completion of the certificate requires 40 total hours of engagement and professional development. The certificate consists of 5 modules with each topic representing one hour. Self-paced training and assessments may be completed at any time prior to graduation. Students will need to show proof of assessment results and training completion to receive clock hour credit.
Earn your certificate in the following ways:
Participating in Diversity courses on your SIU campus.
Attending face-to-face sessions with your ADEI leaders.
Attending live virtual sessions conducted by ADEI leaders.
Program Start: FALL 2022
Ideal participants are Undergraduate, Transfer, and Graduate Students.
Topics Covered:
The Social Construction Race
Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Consciousness
Micro-aggressions and Micro-affirmations training
Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality and Counternarratives
Stereotypes, Biases, and Prejudices
Activism and Allyship
Free Speech versus Hate Speech
How do I earn the certificate?
Students participate in a minimum of five events (per year) during their academic career. The certificate consists of 5 modules. Students must complete at least one topic per module which represents on clock hour.
Successful completion of the Certificate requires 40 total clock hours of certified engagement and/or professional development (i.e. heritage and history month events, ADEI trainings, safe zone training, approved college and departmental events).
The Certificate consists of five modules, with each topic representing one hour.
Students must complete one assessment prior to graduation. Assessments include any of the following: Hollaback Bystander Intervention Training, Safe Colleges Bias Awareness, Implicit Bias Training, Intercultural Development Inventory, Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory, Myer Briggs Leadership, Clifton Strengths finder and DISC Assessment).
What is considered a clock hour?
One certified program or event.
How are my hours tracked?
SMRC Tracks hours and updates each student's semester of the number of hours earned.
How do I know if a program is certified?
Look for the ADEI System logo on the flyer or check our website.
How does the ADEI Leadership Certificate benefit me?
Prepares you to lead in college and beyond.
Prepares students to work collaboratively with peers and colleagues.
You gain a learning community of peers who have shared experiences throughout the process.
Improves self-awareness.
You earn a certificate from the SIU System which adds to your professional profile.
"A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone."
Sundar Pichai
Upcoming Events
Call For Presenters
We are excited to announce that we are revising the ADEI Leadership Certificate to expand its reach and impact. As part of this effort, we are seeking faculty and staff to share their expertise on systemic racism in various American systems, including education, economics, housing, healthcare, politics, media, religion, or sex.
We invite professors and staff members to contribute.
The ADEI Leadership Certificate at SIU offers students an interactive, comprehensive experience that builds awareness, understanding and cultural knowledge to become a stronger leader and citizen in a global society.