Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month

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Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future by being Unified and Together

Individuals with disabilities are welcomed.

Call 618-453-5738 to request accomodations.


The summary of the schedule is below.

Monday, Sept 16

Celebracion de Latinidades

Light Reception, Taqueria Jimenez (Authentic Food Truck) and socialize and get to know the campus community. *First 100 people are free*

Location: Student Services Pavilion

Time: 12:00PM- 2:30PM

Co-Sponsors: Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, Office of Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion.

Latin America Celebracion de Independecias

Get to know the countries that have independence during the month of September with refreshments provided.

Location: Student Services Building 150/160

Time: 5:00PM-6:30PM

Co-Sponsors: Hispanic Student Council, Latin American Student Association, Hispanic/Latino Resource Center.

Tuesday, Sept 17th

Kickoff- Keynote Speaker

Saul Flores- Philanthropist, Photojournalist, and Speaker. He will be speaking upon the topic “Think Big” which emphasizes the value of servant leadership and how to be able to give back to communities.

Location: Morris Library-Guyon Auditorium

Time: 5:00PM-7:00PM

Co-Sponsors: Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, Office of Student Engagement.

Wednesday, Sept 18

Hispanic/Latinx Luncheon

Be able to enhance unity and sense of belonging within one another. Getting to know “US.”(Guess the flag activity)

Location: Student Services 150/160

Time: 12:00PM-2:00PM

Co-Sponsors: Hispanic/Latino Resource Center, Hispanic Student Council

Thursday, Sept 19

Hispanic/Latino Kickoff Cookout!

Latino Culture Association & Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers presents music, cornhole, and food.

Location: Bucky’s Pavilion

Time: 5:00PM-8:00PM

Co-Sponsors: Latino Cultural Association, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Hispanic/Latino Resource Center.